Property News

Date of effect of 1250-F.T. dated. 22.07.2015


No.916-F.T., dated twenty-ninth June 2016. – Whereas order No. 1250-F.T., dated twenty-second July 2015 related to the fee of Stamp Duty compulsorily via digital charge mode used to be issued.

Now, therefore, in the workout of the electricity conferred utilizing sub-section (I), study with clause (a) of subsection (2) of area IO of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act two of 1899), the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following change in the date of impact in particular.


The Notification No. 1250-F.T., dated twenty-second July 2015 shall come into pressure with impact from the 1st day of July 2016 as an alternative of the twenty-seventh day of July 2015.

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