Property News

Mumbai witnesses giant-scale appointments of impartial directors in housing societies

For over 12 months the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) is all at once witnessing on the giant scale the appointments of impartial directors in the location of housing society management.

This has raised eyebrows amongst the participants of heaps of societies that are due for redevelopment as many builders and contractors have allegedly taken undue benefit of the situation.

According to specialists in the cooperative area and the officials, the directors have no powers to intrude in important selections of the society however notwithstanding that, a few are indulging in incorrect practices. Such rampant appointments of directors have passed off due to the fact society elections ought to now not be held for over a yr due to the absence of election guidelines on the grounds that October 2018 and later due to authorities selections to put off elections owing to Covid-19 until August this year.

“During this duration, many committees expired and chairmen and secretaries died. Taking benefit of this round 10 to 15 directors have been appointed every through round forty-five to 50 registrars in the Mumbai metropolitan region. Over five hundred societies have viewed Builders and contractors involved in going in advance with the redevelopment have taken undue gain of this,” stated Ramesh Prabhu, president of Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association, a federation of housing societies in the state.

Prabhu has demanded that elections need to be declared as early as viable in these societies. “If elections are bodily no longer possible, they are allowed digitally or online. Presently many societies are already keeping AGMs and committee conferences thru video conferencing,” he said.

Vijay Patel, cofounder of All India CHS Welfare Association stated going by means of the provisions in the regulation the administrator or approved officer or even the registrars have no powers in predominant selections of the society such as redevelopment. “But notwithstanding that many builders have managed to take gain of the scenario by means of managing the administrators. The current incident of directors writing to society in K West (Vile Parle, Andheri, and Jogeshwari) to go beforehand with redevelopment has angered the members.

Patel stated in Andheri’s Four Bungalows his personal society at present is dominated by way of an administrator is witnessing encroachment in the society premises.

Meanwhile, a senior cooperative official, who did no longer choose to be quoted, advised TOI that any letter appointing administrator itself makes it clear that societies can demand elections after six months and can also register a grievance towards him in case of any illegal selection with the senior authorities in the cooperatives department.

“Due to lengthening in election policies and later due to Covid the elections ought to now not be held in many societies main to the appointment of administrators. However, the rights of the society individuals have been safeguarded if all and sundry take undue benefit of the situation,” he brought urging residents to do the follow-up of such complaints to take them to their logical end.

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