Legal Formats

Format of Deed of Conveyance Subject to Mortgage

This Deed of Conveyance is made at ……… this ……. …. day of … ……………….. Between Mr. ‘A’ of …… ….. 1 ……….. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Vendor’) of the One Part, and Mr. ‘B’ of ……………………………. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Purchaser’) of the Other Part.. Whereas the Vendor is seized and possessed […]

Investment Law

Evolution of Securities and Investment Laws in India

It is necessary for a country’s financial system that its securities market have sturdy health. The extra nicely developed a country’s securities market, the higher are the possibilities of monetary increase and development. Beginning of Securities market The earliest inventory change used to be set up in Amsterdam in 1602 and it was once concerned […]