Legal Formats

Format of Deed of Conveyance Subject to Mortgage

This Deed of Conveyance is made at ……… this ……. …. day of … ……………….. Between Mr. ‘A’ of …… ….. 1 ……….. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Vendor’) of the One Part, and Mr. ‘B’ of ……………………………. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Purchaser’) of the Other Part.. Whereas the Vendor is seized and possessed […]

Investment Law

Evolution of Securities and Investment Laws in India

It is necessary for a country’s financial system that its securities market have sturdy health. The extra nicely developed a country’s securities market, the higher are the possibilities of monetary increase and development. Beginning of Securities market The earliest inventory change used to be set up in Amsterdam in 1602 and it was once concerned […]

Legal Formats

Draft Format Deed of Conveyance of Freehold Property

This Deed of Conveyance is made at ……….. this ……. …. day of …………. between Mr. ‘A’ of ……….. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Vendor’), of the One Part, and Mr. ‘B’ of …………. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Purchaser’) of the Other Part., Whereas the Vendor is absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise […]

Consumer Law

Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Right to safety Means right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services, which are hazardous to life and property. The purchased goods and services availed of should not only meet their immediate needs, but also fulfil long term interests. Before purchasing, consumers should insist on the quality of the products as well […]

Property Law

Jurisdictions of Civil Court and Place of Suing

Meaning of jurisdiction: In simple terms, Jurisdiction is the power of the court to take cognizance of an offence and determine the cause of action. Jurisdiction is decided mainly on the basis of: – Pecuniary value Local limits of Court The subject matter of Court Thus, the Court before taking the cognizance of an offence, […]

Legal Formats

Format of Deed of Family Arrangement for Release of Property in Favour of Other Beneficiaries in Consideration of Annuity

This Deed is made at ……….. on this ……… day of ……… 2021……… between Smt. A widow of B resident of …….. here in after called as Smt. A of the FIRST PART, and C son of B resident of …….. hereinafter called as Shri C of the Second Part and D son of B […]

Property News

Punjab disbursed Rs 261 crore and Haryana Rs 154 crore for the Development of People to Combat Covid-19

Punjab authorities launched Rs 174 crore to 2.90 lakh constructing and different development people for the duration of the first Covid wave and Rs 87 crore to 5.81 lakh such people in the course of the 2d Covid wave to tide over economic crises. The statistics used to be supplied via Union minister of labour […]

Investment Law Property News

PNB Housing-Carlyle Deal

The authorities have requested public zone banks to take a look at all felony components and lift out ideal due diligence earlier than shifting ahead with stake sales in their non-core assets. This comes after the Punjab National Housing Finance-Carlyle deal controversy the vicinity the PNB board had to search for crook opinion after the […]

Investment Law

ASK Property Investment Advisors Set to Increase Rs 1,000 Crore Realty Fund

ASK Property Investment Advisors, the actual property non-public fairness arm of the ASK Group is searching to elevate Rs 1,000 crore via its new actual estate-focused fund ASK Real Estate Special Opportunities Fund-IV. The fund additionally has an extra inexperienced shoe choice of Rs 1,500 crore and ASK PIA is searching to elevate the fund […]