Property News

Property News #31: Property tax for hosting mobile phone towers, Inform on BRS application, Urban housing scheme

Chennai: Property tax for hosting mobile phone towers not collected since 2009

In tax revenue, the Greater Chennai Corporation has lost crores of rupees because since 2009 it has not received an annual tax of Rs 30,000 from property owners hosting cell phone towers. There were around 1,500 such towers in the city when the Civic Body passed the rule in 2009, but it says it doesn’t know how many there are now.

According to the corporation’s records, seven residents of the T Nagar region owed the civic body Rs 3.45 lakh individually in taxes. The income due from 1,500 towers is more than Rs 50 crore by this count. But because several more mobile phone towers have been set up in the city in the last 11 years, the real number would be much higher.

A property owner told the Union telecommunications department they paid a user fee, without explaining how much it was. He also said that it was unfair to pay to two government agencies.

Inform on BRS applications’ status by Nov 19: HC to Telangana government

When the legitimacy of the Layout Regularization (LRS) scheme was raised, particularly regarding the latest floods in most areas of Hyderabad, the High Court ordered the state to inform the government by 19 November on the classification of the applications submitted by property owners trying to seek to validate buildings underneath the building regulations (BRS)-2015 scheme.

In October 2016, the bench requested that the State and GHMC receive BRS applications so that they do not implement either. In relation to buildings that cannot be approved, they were nevertheless told to pass rejection orders. When the hearing, in this case, came back the bench wanted to know the current status of General Advocate B S Prasad. The situation was stagnant at that moment. He informed the court regarding the present position and time he was searching for. Time was authorized by the bench until 19 November.

Finance Minister announces Rs 18,000 crore additional outlays for urban housing scheme

Rs 18,000 additional expenditure on urban housing to help develop immovables was announced by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for creating jobs and boosting the country’s economy.

According to her the Rs 18,000 crore will be supported by additional allocation and additional budget resources over and above the 2020-21 Budget Estimates for Premier Awas Yojana, Urban. This has already been given this year in addition to Rs 8,000 crore.

She said that these reliefs would provide contractors with relief by reducing capital lock-ups and the bank guarantee costs until 31 December 2021.

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Bengali Property News#31 । Chennai Property Tax। BRS Application Status । Urban Housing Scheme

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